Still getting used to my new toy. It takes me much longer with a tablet to do some things in the program I'm using. For those unfamiliar with Adobe Illustrator, or with the concept of vector based art, a brief attempt at an explanation. The images I create are made up of "anchor points." Think of string being strung around thumb tacks on a cork board. Each tack is an anchor, simultaneously keeping the string stuck to a certain point and changing its direction. Illustrator adds the ability to dictate curves in the line to the thumb tack metaphor, and there you have it, vector illustration.
Anyways, with my tablet I'm creating lines faster with a swoosh of the pen rather than with careful point by point clicking. However, these "swooshes" really only end up looking like the gist of what I'm going for. THe nest step is to go in and tweak until it looks like I want it to. This part is hard with the tablet. My accuracy in trying to select the little tiny points is laughable.
I'm sure it will get better with time... or if I up the area around each point that will count as a selection. Idea? Maybe?
Either way, I have another bizarre Allie creation for your viewing pleasure. It's titled "Eyes Like Their Mother." Feedback is always welcome. Enjoy!